Getting the right medical school essay help can and often does mean the difference between acceptance letters and rejections. If you write your personal statement and other essays without making the correct points, you will be the same as the 10,000 other applicants...which, by the way, is not good.
Essays in your admission cycle need to have two basic things. A well thought out experience that shows how you have developed certain characteristics, AND a logical endpoint that makes your reader believe that because of that experience and that characteristic you will be a fantastic medical school student and a fantastic doctor.
Don't fail at either of those. You will limit your success significantly.
So what's the problem? Well many students just cannot find the right experiences, the right words, or the right conclusion to accomplish those goals. We help you find them and use them to best help your application.
We have read many essays, and we understand the importance of meeting our 2 "goals" for any medical school essay help you must write, and more importantly can help you to find those experiences, characteristics, and conclusions that will allow you to do this. You will write 1-3 essays for medical school admissions...will you meet those goals or not?
Well simple, we help you think about yourself in a whole different light. You will see experiences you've never seen before, you will understand strengths in your character that you previously have never understood, and you will be able to write in such a way that schools will genuinely desire you as their student...
Through our system of teaching, interviewing, editing, and helping, we will bring you from unsure to confident. You will be able to write that way for the rest of your life, which will help in residency applications as well.
Is it guaranteed? Of course it is, everything on MSC is.
If you buy our product and you feel like it was not helpful to you in any way, just ask for a refund and one will be granted, no hassle and no problems.
Price: $299, with $150 for additional hours of coaching if wanted
IMPORTANT: All "HOUR" sessions are 50 min on the phone, allowing 10 min to write a note about what we talked about as well as send you an email with your assignments and goals. If you choose to split your 1 50 min session into two, they will both be 25 min each.
UPDATE: Because of increasing demand MSC is no longer taking on clients on a regular basis. If you would like coaching, please click "Contact Us" above in order to get into contact with me and possibly schedule coaching.
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